Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thinking about their option scheme! "What was RBS board thinking" http://tinyurl.com/d4yht6a

In #Libya, ministers as women is widely off the mark. Let's hope the courageous women fighting for more have success!

Great, the Russians are talking morality on #Syria...the farce continues!

Amazing to see the Senate Testimony of Jon Corzine, his COO and his CFO, at #MFGlobal who didn't understand the accounts, the details of operations or even where the billions are! Millions in salaries combined for what?


In the #LevesonInquiry, a lawyer says that his Opinion is for the client and would expect to be asked before this was disseminated further. What can I say, that I have an opinion but can't show it to anyone?


What type of kids do we want? #Mourinho to set up company to teach kids to develop as players and human beings. http://bbc.in/w3t47i