Sunday, December 26, 2010

Former Venezuelan President, Carlos Andrés Pérez dies and, as is usual with obituaries, his deeds will be feted. With all due respect, he came from the oligarchy, did little for those in need and used the country's oil wealth for himself and for his class. Not very worthwhile presidencies.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Today is World Migration Day, important to remember their contribution and their suffering!
The climate skeptics are winning. The Australian public remains divided and unsure about climate science. Four respondents in 10 think that most climate scientists disagree over whether the  earth has been warming. One third think most climate scientists disagree about the human causes of this warming.
Wikileaked: Sudanese president Omar al Bashir may have stolen $9 billion from his country, tell us something we didn't know.
Yet another Study showing the effects of secondary smoke and the fact that the smoke may dissipate but does not just disappear. Amazing how many still refuse to accept the evidence and no number of studies with do.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Australian mining companies announce negative ads against the government, nice of them to warn us not to trust them.
No por primera vez,, el anuncio de Tien 21 los creativos demuestran que hay ignorantes en esa industria también, fomentando el acoso hacia sus trabajadoras por parte de clientes.
This question to Mr. Assange is legitimate and should be responded, whether you agree with the preamble or not. Let us hope he does so.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A real tragedy the death of so many in their attempt to find a new life in Australia, How does a country with the longest border in the world enforce an immigration policy?
I fear that Oxfam is placing too much hope in the new climate agreement that came out of Cancun.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sounds like the environment is in good hands. Out of Mexico come smiles, photos y pearls of wisdom. Only thing missing is action!

Friday, December 10, 2010

The most important seat in the world today!

China dice que el premio Nobel de la Paz es una "farsa política". ¿Realmente piensan que les tomanos en serio?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is 'freed' in Iran although, given what goes on over there, I would not be overly jubilant...time will tell.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It is very worrying to see private companies (Amazon, Ebay, Mastercard, go weak at the knees buckle under pressure when the government calls. Aren't politicians required to get court orders before they get their legal way? Companies should be ashamed of themselves!
This week we will see the Nobel Prize awards ceremony. The Peace Prize will be awarded in the absence of its recipient. China wants us to forget his existence.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Who would have thought when we began over six years ago! Three major firms in the governance ratings and research field are merging, The Corporate Library, GovernanceMetrics International and Audit Integrity. What results has the makings of a big player, perhaps, the big player. Shows that the sector is growing up.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

El embajador estadounidense en España convoca sólo a tres medios para criticar Wikileaks. Practica la censura para hablarnos de que quiere la censura. Por lo menos es consecuente.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What does it say that some of the candidates for the presidency of Haiti spent so much? Desire to help, power or profit? I wonder which combination.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Vatican has clarified their position on condoms, saying their use by men and women to prevent HIV may be responsible. I have criticised the limp statements and this is a step forward so we need to give them some credit. They still have a way to go.

Monday, November 22, 2010

It is not surprising to see a Chinese citizen under arrest for a twit, freedom of speech not being a priority. We should not forget to criticise it when we see it, however.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Birds of a feather. No surprise that five dictatorships are unhappy that a fighter for democracy received the Nobel Peace Prize. It confirms that it is a correct choice. It is quite funny, they classify themselves! China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Morocco, Iraq...birds of a feather.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Is it really free speech to announce that you are going to threaten to blow up an airport?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

No me gusta el contenido de este libro pero tampoco me gustaría que una empresa comercial, que es Amazon, empiece en el camino de la censura. Con los casos difíciles es cuando debemos defender esto.

While I do not like the content, I am not sure we want to go down the road of allowing a private company, Amazon, begin to censure our reading material. It is with the difficult cases that we should stand up.

Mujeres valientes en México se merecen nuestro apoyo. Su camino es duro y lleno de obstáculos.

Si un Jefe de Estado admite que ha aprobado torturas, ¿es posible sentarle en el banquillo, durante o después de su mandato?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does it surprise anyone to see a pro-military party winning the ‘elections’ organized by the military thugs in Burma? Surely not.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

It is a good time to remember Aung San Suu Kyi, at this time when the thugs in Burma are holding the farce they are calling elections.

Those Polizei look to be removing protestors in northern Germany with excessive aggression. Not a pleasant nor an acceptable sight!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another call for mandatory salt curbs will be criticized by lovers of freedom. Nevertheless, people show repeatedly, every day, that they are not responsible with their health and even less with what they eat. Difficult to know where the balance lies.

It is a sign of a healthy democracy when an individual who incites against his country of adoption (although it is questionable what he has adopted) and elicits much resentment and yet receives a fair hearing in the courts.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Amazon's Kindle is selling well in China, as it allows access to banned web sites. Any bets on how long Amazon will be selling Kindle in China?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Iran believe that the pressure is now off and returns with an execution they never had any intention of cancelling. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will suffer an unjustified fate if we ignore it.
The fight against poverty, against corruption, Health and Security are the big objectives of the new Brazilian President. Big objectives indeed.
La lucha contra la pobreza, contra la corrupción, la sanidad y la seguridad son los grandes objetivos de la nueva presidenta brasileña. Efectivamente, grandes objetivos.

Parece que no se fían ni de AlJazeera: "Marruecos suspende las actividades de la corresponsalía de AlJazeera en el país"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Let us hope that the news that British MI6 does not engage in torture is true. I think he said that they do not engage in torture directly AND indirectly, no?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Millions went into Haiti and we still have a killer outbreak of cholera. I trust that the work on rebuilding the presidential palace is moving swiftly. Priorities are clear.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Qué decir de un hombre que dice barbaridades tópicos contra una mujer y que sólo se da cuenta que se 'pasó siete pueblos' cuando oye sus palabras en la radio. Como es un alcalde y en democracia es el pueblo el que decide, ellos decidirán, aunque supongo que esta barbaridad no va a ser de suficiente peso para que pierda. España todavía tiene un largo camino.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BP's new bonus plan has payments based on its safety record. While they are being criticised for this 'stunt', it sounds a better criteria than what they had before!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It turns out the the Roman Catholic Church's newest saint, Australian Mary MacKillop, was once suspended for reporting a priest child abuser. How about that! I wonder if we will see a more serious response to the many child abuse scandals from the Roman Catholic Church's. We shouldn't have too high hopes.

Friday, October 15, 2010

It is always good news when you hear the announcement from scientists that they have eradicated a disease. They say we have seen the end of rinderpest virus. It does not happen often enough.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

I have just seen a program where they are trying to delay the year of death, that is, they are trying to keep us living longer. I understand that they want to keep us healthier until the day of or death, but the earth will not be able to handle us lasting until we are 120 years of age or more and I do not see any evidence of our changing our habits noticeably.

Buenas noticias, el primer ministro japonés aboga por la libertad del nuevo Premio Nobel de la Paz, Liu Xiaobo, el ciudadano chino en la carcel por haber pedido democracia.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Burmese democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, says she will not vote this time, 20 years after her victory was annulled in the last election. Not surprisingly she does not want to give the thugs in control an attempt at a whitewash.

Monday, October 11, 2010

It is the anniversary of John Lennon. All I want is some truth, just give me some truth.

Power to the people.

Imagine all the people living life in peace.

All we are saying is give peace a chance.

One thing you can’t hide, is when you’re crippled inside.

How can I go forward when I don’t know which way I’m facing?

Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands, and the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry. 

We could go on and on…

We are in the process of seeing another canonization of a Saint in the Roman Catholic Church. If a lot of sick people pray in my name for their recuperation, surely some will get well unexpectedly.  I imagine that enough of those will give me the miracles I need for sainthood.


Nationalists in Kyrgyzstan and nationalists in Belgrade, not good developments!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Chinese government have now arrested the wife of the Nobel Peace Prize winner for 2010. Their 'democracy' continues to reign.

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Chinese dissident has won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. It is good to see the tweeking of the nose of an authoritarian regime.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nigeria lead poisoning death toll 'doubles'. What is it about countries with high oil flows disregarding their people? This is unacceptable!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Directors of Soc Gen got off scott free and now they think that they can override court sentences. They have no shame!
It looks like the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" is not holding up to judicial. It is good news that torture is not accepted in court!
The ecological disaster in Hungary is exactly that. We need to see that there are consecuences, not only corporate but personal as well, not only economic but criminal.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Extremely bad governance that a middle level banker is given a jail sentence and billions in fines and the directors get away scott free. Disgraceful!

Poor ol' Jerome Kerviel is given a 3 years sentence and a fine of €4.9 billion and change. It looks Société Générale's directors got away with it.

A vertical burial is greener than the norm but the best is donation. The organs to those in need and the remainder for trainee doctors to practice on.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

La tortura de animales nunca debe permitirse con la excusa de que es tradición y buen negocio. Buenas noticias, otro ayuntamiento que piensa dos veces con el tema de los toros. A ver si llegan al siguiente paso e ignoran el valor cultura y el negocio y evitan la tortura futura de animales.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A greener way of disposing of one’s remains after death…shame they don’t focus more on giving away the parts. Too many bodies still go to waste where too many are still in need. This is an anachronism of some sort of misguided faiths.


Bueno oír cuando un multimillonario dona millones a obras de caridad. Aquí tenemos un multimillonario chino que lo ha anunciado.


The military thugs are easing the terms on opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, after the election, of course. No reason to say thank you!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

“BP to Create New Safety Division in Wake of Spill” What, it didn’t have one before?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Very bad governance to have a son designated as heir of a country. North Korea is in a disastrous state and its people are suffering the worst conditions possible. There is your people’s revolution, starving people and designated heir based on bloodlines.


Monday, September 27, 2010

"This entire episode actually just proves one thing: chairmen should come from outside. No exceptions." Regarding the shenanigans that went on in nominating a new Chairman for HSBC. Well said!
"This entire episode actually just proves one thing: chairmen should come from outside. No exceptions." Regarding the shenanigans that went on in nominating a new Chairman for HSBC. Well said!
Michael Mayo, who has a long history of solid research in the financial sector should be thanked for his continuing to speak out, even at his cost. Citigroup is to be congratulated for opening up and not ignoring a voice that rightly has followers.

Good governance that the new Chairman is not the current CEO, bad governance that both the new CEO and the new Chairman are both internal candidates.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Google releases its new Transparency Report which tells us how many times our governments have asked for information. Careful.

Iranian rights campaigner sentenced for interviewing the late Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri for the BBC.

El bloguero más popular de Irán es acusado de "colaborar con Estados enemigos" y está a punto de la ejecución. Muy malas noticias para la libertad de expresión.

Creative thinking is needed to save planet's threatened species, given that the old fashioned approaches have clearly failed.

Given Oliver Stone’s populist slant and inability to get it right, I am not surprised that bankers did not want to talk to him on his new Wall Street.

“Facebook founder to announce $100M donation” Let us hope that billionaires continue to make donations to worthy causes, it is always good news.

Good governance at HSBC by breaking the practice of promotion of the CEO to Chairman. These are different roles and should be kept separate.

Good governance that he has gone, bad governance the way he went. Unicredit's CEO has done much to build his bank and his political exit is not welcome. However, 15 years is way too much for a bank CEO to be in the same post.

When they highlight their Arctic wealth, what they mean is that they are planning to drill soon.

Brazil court upholds $3m 'slave labour' fine on firm” Good news that we are seeing enforcement.


Monday, September 20, 2010

"Don't make taxpayers subsidise status seeking" Taxpayers should not be subsidising anyone! Asisting those in need is another matter.
"So where there are deserts today, there used to be lakes and rivers, and there was an abundance of plants and animals." Talking about the Sahara desert, it should make us think about what we are doing today.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BHP, the Australian mining company, has admitted that the mainstream views are correct on environmental impact and that a global carbon tax is on the way and is the way to go. Well done BHP.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Pope in the UK rails against the dictatorship of relativism...he prefers the dictatorship of absolutism.