Tuesday, November 30, 2010

El embajador estadounidense en España convoca sólo a tres medios para criticar Wikileaks. Practica la censura para hablarnos de que quiere la censura. Por lo menos es consecuente.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What does it say that some of the candidates for the presidency of Haiti spent so much? Desire to help, power or profit? I wonder which combination.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Vatican has clarified their position on condoms, saying their use by men and women to prevent HIV may be responsible. I have criticised the limp statements and this is a step forward so we need to give them some credit. They still have a way to go. http://bbc.in/ewPFlV

Monday, November 22, 2010

It is not surprising to see a Chinese citizen under arrest for a twit, freedom of speech not being a priority. We should not forget to criticise it when we see it, however. http://goo.gl/7UD7Y

Friday, November 19, 2010

Birds of a feather. No surprise that five dictatorships are unhappy that a fighter for democracy received the Nobel Peace Prize. It confirms that it is a correct choice. It is quite funny, they classify themselves! China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Morocco, Iraq...birds of a feather. http://goo.gl/i5g7H

Friday, November 12, 2010

Is it really free speech to announce that you are going to threaten to blow up an airport? http://goo.gl/b0a3t

Thursday, November 11, 2010

No me gusta el contenido de este libro pero tampoco me gustaría que una empresa comercial, que es Amazon, empiece en el camino de la censura. Con los casos difíciles es cuando debemos defender esto. http://goo.gl/kijDi

While I do not like the content, I am not sure we want to go down the road of allowing a private company, Amazon, begin to censure our reading material. It is with the difficult cases that we should stand up. http://goo.gl/wCfM6

Mujeres valientes en México se merecen nuestro apoyo. Su camino es duro y lleno de obstáculos. http://goo.gl/LnS3j

Si un Jefe de Estado admite que ha aprobado torturas, ¿es posible sentarle en el banquillo, durante o después de su mandato? http://goo.gl/LQdVz

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does it surprise anyone to see a pro-military party winning the ‘elections’ organized by the military thugs in Burma? Surely not. http://goo.gl/FCU0y


Sunday, November 7, 2010

It is a good time to remember Aung San Suu Kyi, at this time when the thugs in Burma are holding the farce they are calling elections.

Those Polizei look to be removing protestors in northern Germany with excessive aggression. Not a pleasant nor an acceptable sight!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another call for mandatory salt curbs will be criticized by lovers of freedom. Nevertheless, people show repeatedly, every day, that they are not responsible with their health and even less with what they eat. Difficult to know where the balance lies. http://goo.gl/aJ8vf

It is a sign of a healthy democracy when an individual who incites against his country of adoption (although it is questionable what he has adopted) and elicits much resentment and yet receives a fair hearing in the courts. http://goo.gl/vGJuw


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Amazon's Kindle is selling well in China, as it allows access to banned web sites. Any bets on how long Amazon will be selling Kindle in China? http://goo.gl/uZPG

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Iran believe that the pressure is now off and returns with an execution they never had any intention of cancelling. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will suffer an unjustified fate if we ignore it. http://goo.gl/zZlwG
The fight against poverty, against corruption, Health and Security are the big objectives of the new Brazilian President. Big objectives indeed.
La lucha contra la pobreza, contra la corrupción, la sanidad y la seguridad son los grandes objetivos de la nueva presidenta brasileña. Efectivamente, grandes objetivos.

Parece que no se fían ni de AlJazeera: "Marruecos suspende las actividades de la corresponsalía de AlJazeera en el país" http://goo.gl/hf8P