Friday, July 19, 2013

You mean someone like Edward #Snowden? #NSA #PRISM US Deputy Attorney General is giving us comfort saying that only highly qualified professionals are able to access the secret information obtained from the people.


RT ‏@thedailybeast Plan B for global warming (and why conservatives love it)


Oops, sorry, my mistake. This appears to be a valid defence against doing something wrong #NSA #PRISM #FISA


The only oversight over the #NSA #PRISM appears to be the #FISA court. Americans beware, it's not just foreigners who have no rights!


My favourite was her answer of "this is the greatest country on earth" to the question from Senator Marco Rubio: "do you believe the United States has committed or sponsored crimes" in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee nomination hearing...

…for Samantha Power to serve as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  The hearing as a whole was impressive, but that was a high point for me.

Machine turns sweat into drinking water for Unicef