Sunday, April 15, 2012

Oh look, #Syria government promises to follow the ceasefire presented by the #UN. Anyone believe that?


Una iniciativa interesante en #Mexico ahora que hay elecciones, aunque cuidado con las empresas y los ricos que están detrás. #mexicodelfuturo #Democracia


An interesting initiative in #Mexico now that there are elections, although careful with the corporate backers. #mexicodelfuturo #Democracy


Decriminalization now! "The cost of the 'war on drugs'"


Government wars against Internet freedom is not new and not limited. #FreeSpeech #HumanRights #Censorship #SecrecyBill


Keep politics out of sport, yes, but there is a difference between banning sports people from the Olympics from an unsavoury country and taking events to that country. #HumanRights


Noone is talking about the fact that these #SecretService officers were spirited away not to face #Colombia justice