Monday, February 27, 2012

The #FBI paid Michael Douglas to tell us Gordon Gekko is fictional & that insider trading is bad. More money than brains!

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

That is what happens when they become accustomed to operating without paying all their costs, including environmental costs. "Countries rally against #EU #carbon tax on airlines"

Los funcionarios de prisiones en #México cobraron entre $300 y $600 para dejar asesinar enemigos y escapar a los Zetas. A ese precio, sorprende que tardaron tanto en salir.

Americans burn Korans in #Afghanistan. Just plain stupid...yet again!

Elecciones en #Yemen para reemplazar a #Saleh y el VP es el único candidato. No huele a #Democracia

Elections in #Yemen to replace #Saleh with the VP as the only candidate. Doesn't smell like #Democracy!

I wonder if the problems #Apple now has in #China are related to their insisting on improved conditions for the workers of their suppliers. #CSR #CorpGov #Governance These improved conditions are not in the general interests of the controlled Chinese

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Amazing that the UK still does not have an opt-out policy for organ donation. So simple and yet so impactful!

#China VP defending the indefensible. We shouldn't expect better #HumanRights when he takes over. Perhaps he needs help with definition of the term. "Xi Jinping, has defended his country's human rights record"

#Europe is a political entity and should have no part of #Religion. Shame #LadyWarsi is ignorant of the difference. "Warsi's calls for Europe to be more confident in its #Christianity"


The same @seanpenn who visited #SaddamHussein. Ten years later and still has no interest in Democracy! "Sean Penn backs Argentina over Falkland Islands"


@ISSGovernance is correct to criticise the governance of #Facebook. They will make mistakes, without consecuences, and be forced to do what's right, with delays, as usual.


The only @thesunnewspaper staff that should feel under siege are those that have done something wrong.


Friday, February 10, 2012

One hopes that white Anlo-Saxon Protestant homophobics inciting violence also see jail time, as these three Muslim men were.

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro


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It is not surprising to see #Putin use the #Russia veto helping #Syria president. He doesn't want talk of intervention when he acts in his muslim regions.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We have another #ArabLeague mission to #Syria, this time with the #UN present. Does anyone believe this will be more useful to the people?


The only surprise seeing #China officials beating #Tibet demonstrators is that the film got out! #HumanRights #Democracy

Amazing #CharlieRose! #Alwaleed justifies #SaudiArabia intervention in #Bahrain as defence solidarity pact of GCC. Defence against the people?

Amusing to hear a #Saudi prince talk about #Democracy, re. #Syria. #Alwaleed on #CharlieRose, another fawning interview.

Good to see that the back of #UK football coach #FabioCapello. He doesn't rate #Ethics very highly and noone, least of all a country, should have this calibre of representatives.


Ya está bien de disfrutar con el sufrimiento de animales! "Un juez escucha los argumentos de las ballenas contra su "esclavitud""


Former #Malaysia PM #Mahathir says it is time to learn from Asia. Just what we need, authoritarian politicians.


#AlanTuring's old conviction is upheld because #homosexuality was then a criminal offence. Sounds like all such convictions should be quashed.


#Brazil follows #India in web gagging, now Twitter must filter for the government. We need to put brakes on govts looking for an easy life.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Freedom of the press won a victory over the famous looking to gag. Amidst al the hullaballoo in the UK #LevesonInquiry, there is a baby in that bathwater.


Who said the #British don't like the #Euro. Has anyone done a review of the % of jackpots won from UK in the #Euromillions lottery?


#Argentina prez asks for #Britain to give peace a chance not war over the #Falklands #Malvinas. Is she threatening war if she doesn't get her way at the #UN?


These ignoramuses should not be unknown, they should be prosecuted. "Woman filmed hurling 'racist abuse...'"


Given that they have known for years that #Smokingkills, looks like they show signs of mental illness early on. "Men who smoke 'more likely to suffer dementia in later life'"


Not surprising, given that the #Fashion industry continues to champion anorexia. "'She is a little too fat': Karl Lagerfeld slates Adele's size"


Shame they didn't do something to stop it at the beginning, many years and many lives would be better. "#Vatican investigated 4,000 cases of child sex abuse in the last 10 years"


Good to see parents are held to account for the behaviour of ther children & it should be extended to everything. If you are the guardian, you are responsible and if you created them also. #Holdparentsaccountable


Sunday, February 5, 2012

This must be the legendary foreign interference they keep blaming, #NGOs funded overseas! #Egypt


Is it not too soon for tourists to return to #Egypt with the military #thugs still in control?


Consequences need to be felt at the top. It has taken too long for BP's safety committee head to leave the #Board! #Governance #CorpGov


#MarkZuckerberg of #Facebook is facing tax bill of $1.5bn on the #IPO. Anyone sorry to hear that?


#Glencore and #Xstrata close to $88bn merger & much angst about whether overpriced or not. For shareholders, relative value is what's important not the absolute value of each.


On 200th anniversary of birth of #CharlesDickens: "As is well known to the wise in their generation, traffic in Shares is the one thing to have to do with in this world. Have no antecedents, no established character, no cultivation, no ideas...

…no manners; have Shares. Have Shares enough to be on Boards of Direction in capital letters, oscillate on mysterious business between London and Paris, and be great. Where does he come from? Shares. Where is he going to? Shares. What are his tastes? Shares. Has he any principles? Shares. What squeezes him into Parliament? Shares. Perhaps he never of himself achieved success in anything, never originated anything, never produced anything? Sufficient answer to all; Shares. O mighty Shares! To set those blaring images so high, and to cause us smaller vermin, as under the influence of henbane or opium, to cry out, night and day, 'Relieve us of our money, scatter it for us, buy us and sell us, ruin us, only we beseech ye take rank among the powers of the earth, and fatten on us'!" Our Mutual Friend, Chapter 10. Many would see that some things have not changed.

It is likely that there will be civil war in #Syria but also when #Assad goes, as there is little community between the different groups.