Wednesday, September 29, 2010

“BP to Create New Safety Division in Wake of Spill” What, it didn’t have one before?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Very bad governance to have a son designated as heir of a country. North Korea is in a disastrous state and its people are suffering the worst conditions possible. There is your people’s revolution, starving people and designated heir based on bloodlines.


Monday, September 27, 2010

"This entire episode actually just proves one thing: chairmen should come from outside. No exceptions." Regarding the shenanigans that went on in nominating a new Chairman for HSBC. Well said!
"This entire episode actually just proves one thing: chairmen should come from outside. No exceptions." Regarding the shenanigans that went on in nominating a new Chairman for HSBC. Well said!
Michael Mayo, who has a long history of solid research in the financial sector should be thanked for his continuing to speak out, even at his cost. Citigroup is to be congratulated for opening up and not ignoring a voice that rightly has followers.

Good governance that the new Chairman is not the current CEO, bad governance that both the new CEO and the new Chairman are both internal candidates.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Google releases its new Transparency Report which tells us how many times our governments have asked for information. Careful.

Iranian rights campaigner sentenced for interviewing the late Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri for the BBC.

El bloguero más popular de Irán es acusado de "colaborar con Estados enemigos" y está a punto de la ejecución. Muy malas noticias para la libertad de expresión.

Creative thinking is needed to save planet's threatened species, given that the old fashioned approaches have clearly failed.

Given Oliver Stone’s populist slant and inability to get it right, I am not surprised that bankers did not want to talk to him on his new Wall Street.

“Facebook founder to announce $100M donation” Let us hope that billionaires continue to make donations to worthy causes, it is always good news.

Good governance at HSBC by breaking the practice of promotion of the CEO to Chairman. These are different roles and should be kept separate.

Good governance that he has gone, bad governance the way he went. Unicredit's CEO has done much to build his bank and his political exit is not welcome. However, 15 years is way too much for a bank CEO to be in the same post.

When they highlight their Arctic wealth, what they mean is that they are planning to drill soon.

Brazil court upholds $3m 'slave labour' fine on firm” Good news that we are seeing enforcement.


Monday, September 20, 2010

"Don't make taxpayers subsidise status seeking" Taxpayers should not be subsidising anyone! Asisting those in need is another matter.
"So where there are deserts today, there used to be lakes and rivers, and there was an abundance of plants and animals." Talking about the Sahara desert, it should make us think about what we are doing today.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

BHP, the Australian mining company, has admitted that the mainstream views are correct on environmental impact and that a global carbon tax is on the way and is the way to go. Well done BHP.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Pope in the UK rails against the dictatorship of relativism...he prefers the dictatorship of absolutism.