Sunday, July 31, 2011

The thugs in #Syria continue on their merry way.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Yes, and it's not supposed to be about discrimination "Business says boards are not just about gender"

Friday, July 22, 2011

Un debate poítico por Twitter. Deberíamos exigir sólo Twitter para nuestros políticos!

A polítical debate via Twitter. We should insist on politicians only using Twitter for their communications.

The Murdoch UK testimony is beginning to unravel.
¿Qué pensarán los votantes de Valencia? Su líder se está decidiendo en los despachos entre políticos enchufados. #15M #Nolesvotes

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The regime of Bashar Assad is tottering? Hope you're right, he and his regime need to go!
Great news, another war criminal to be tried. Aspiring war criminals need to know that they will be caught and tried for their crimes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The worst part about the end of the News of the World #NOTW is that paedophiles can sleep easier!

Monday, July 18, 2011

El #PP está diciendo que lo de #Camp es un montaje de sus enemigos. ¿De verdad están diciendo que el juez sigue el camino illegal?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

EBS Wayra competición resultados

Algo muy empresarial está pasando en el Instituto de Empresa en Madrid.

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro


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Sentirá el presidente de #Venezuela Hugo #Chavez vergüenza tener que ir a #Cuba para atención médica. Su pobre pueblo no puede hacer lo mismo.

Will #Venezuela's President Hugo #Chavez feel any shame that he has to go to #Cuba for medical treatment? His poor people don't have that possibility.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is paying police to go light on an investigation, corruption? If so, that is probably against US law and is a jailing offence #Newscorp


A representative from the Yackman funds was interviewed about News Corp and he made it clear that they don't care about ethics, just profits. Shame!

Disgraceful #Doublespeak Former UK Deputy Commissioner who was supposed to do the inquiry into News Corp’s phone hacking and bribery took a job at the Times and he says that it was not News of the World so OK. He is either an ignoramus or influenced by a plum job. He needs to be investigated as there is a whiff of corruption there as well. #dcmscommittee They have not taken responsibility for their farcical investigation, alluding to not having all the information. That is what they needed to investigate.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Let us see how independent they are with this open letter to the independent directors of News corporation.

Anyone? RT @AmnestyOnline "Ask Brazil, South Africa and India to help stop the bloodshed in Syria"

And the world continues to do nothing. "Syria: Defectors Describe Orders to Shoot Unarmed Protesters"

Good news, no one should be immune "United States: Investigate Bush, Other Top Officials, for Torture."

News Corp shareholders and advertisers are making themselves felt. That is good governance.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Why these thugs need to go! "Syrian forces 'ordered to shoot to kill'"

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro


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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The omnipotent Rupert Murdoch is losing it in the UK. It is not like him.

Good to hear that advertisers are pulling ads from News International for paying police and tapping phones. We should start buying those brands.

The UK goverment should put a hold on the merger of Sky with News until the official enquiry into News bribing police and tapping private phones. Let them see that there are consecuences to their untouchability. What about jail time?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just read the #Tiananmen Papers & the smuggled autobiography of Zhao
Ziyang. A fitting reminder of the part of #China's history we will not
hear about in the 90 year birthday of the #CCP

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro
Managing Editor
Governance Focus
Madrid, SPAIN

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In his speech to his Nomenklatura, #China's President lauded their Socialist Democracy & Socialist Market Economy. What he means is no Democracy & no Market Economy
#Jordan's Queen Rania is dressing down to appear humble. No more shopping trips to Europe or just no cameras?
#DSK is innocent until proven guilty, of course, but the fact that his accuser may be a liar or a criminal does not mean she wasn't raped. Don't know one way or the other. If it did happen, proving it is another matter.

Friday, July 1, 2011

#China's GenSec says "all are equal before the law". Yes, but some are
more equal than others. Orwell reigns!

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro


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